Introducing Free Life Program, the world's first free, customized life & health guide
The Free Life Program
- The Free Life Program includes guidance for everything required to reach the Free Life Program goals (see below).
- You will find modern science advice from world leading experts, natural healing advice from our Ayurveda experts and, when required, a recommendation to see a healthcare professional.
- The Free Life Program is not only offering advice, it is also your digital Coach/Personal Trainer, helping and pushing you until you reach your goals.
What the Free Life Program will do for you
Distractions damaging your health and life
If your life is full of distractions your mind, body and life will become imbalanced. It will likely lead to mental, emotional, physical, life and/or relationship problems.
We’ll help you remove unhealthy distractions.
Understanding and solving your problems
Being mentally, emotionally or physically “unfit” might be stopping you from the life and relationships that you want. Past or present life and relationship problems might be the root causes for your experienced health problems today.
We’ll help you localise your real problems and guide you to solutions.
Yoga, meditation or breathwork isn't enough
Meditation, yoga and breathwork are great practices. But they won’t solve problems like childhood traumas, relationship problems, or feeling lost and lonely.
Your Free Life Program therefore also includes recommended daily routines, food and beverages, advice for solving/reducing mental, emotional, physical, life and relationship problems and a lot of other things that will help you reach your Free Life Program goals.
A new car, a perfect body or one billion won't make you happy
Despite what social media makes you believe, material things, trying to be, or look, “perfect”, wealth or power won’t make you truly happy. Quick fixes or chasing dreams simply aren’t the solutions.
We’ll guide you to inner peace and true happiness.
Customized to solve your problems
Since every person is unique, there are no “one size fits all solutions”. This is why your customized Free Life Program is based on you and your health & life situation.
We’ll guide you to sustainable short and long-term solutions for a healthy, happy life.

Your Free Life Program goals
The ultimate goal by following your customized Free Life Program is:
A life free from mental, emotional, and physical problems. Your customized Free Life Program will guide you to overcoming, or significantly reducing, most health issues that weigh you down.
A life free from life and relationship problems. Whether it’s feeling lonely and lost, having romantic relationship or family problems or other real-life problems, we will guide you towards a healthier, happier life.
A life free from an unhealthy lifestyle. Your Free Life Program will show you how your food, beverages and habits cause or contributes to some of your problems. And how healthy nutrition and habits can make them disappear or be reduced.
A life free from gaslighting yourself, having low self-confidence, self-esteem or feeling unattractive. You will learn about the root causes of your problems and how to solve them. By following your customized Free Life Program you will increase your energy and clear your mind. Once you do, you will see how great you are. And so will others.
A life free from pursuing imaginary happiness. People seeking happiness in money, power, the perfect house, body, spouse or material things won’t find it. By following your Free Life Program, you will with time find an inner peace, leading to true happiness.
Why does the world need the Free Life Program?
Because the world is in bad shape. And it's getting worse.
Insufficient healthcare resources
- The world’s population is growing, people are living longer and are exposed to health damaging factors.
- The world’s healthcare resources are already insufficient.
- The global health care sector projects a shortfall of 10 million workers by 2030.
Growing health problems globally
- More than 1 billion already suffer from mental illnesses.
- 4 billion (half of the world’s population) are expected to have a mental illness in their lifetime.
- 2,5 billion suffer from chronic physical diseases due to physical inactivity and unhealthy nutrition, and another 0.5 billion are expected to be added by 2030.
Increasing healthcare costs
- The global public healthcare expenditure 2024 is estimated to $9,5 trillion USD ($26 billion daily).
- 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty each year due to out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.
- The yearly average sick leave cost for the Swedish society is $38,000. Employer costs not included.
The UN, WHO, other leading organisations and many governments are aware of the problems and are actively looking for new, cost-efficient, and scalable solutions.
We believe the Free Life Program can be one of the solutions.
Why we started Free Life Plan
The Free Life Plan and the Free Life Program is the initiative of Ole Nielsen and Nicolay M. Zederlinn.
– Society seems unable to stop the growing health, health care and climate crisis. Social media, too much screen-time and the lacking certainty about what is true or false are the main root causes. Additionally, AI will take humans even further from the path towards better health.
– As recognised by UN, WHO and other organisations, the global health and healthcare challenges will lead to severe problems for us, our children and coming generations.
– To help stop the negative trajectory we wanted to contribute by finding new, innovative solutions. To make a sustainably global impact, the Free Life Program needs to be available for all human beings. Free Life Program is therefore offered for free.
– We strongly believe that the only way to reach a better and healthier world is by making a growing number of individuals becoming healthier and happier. Supported by compassionate clients, donors and partners we can achieve an exponential growth in people becoming healthier and happier.
– If we feel and know better, we also have the energy to think and act respectfully, towards ourselves, other human beings and our planet.
Ole Nielsen & Nicolay M. Zederlinn

Ole Nielsen, Founder & CEO
Swedish life- and family loving man. Creative serial entrepreneur with inner peace and a lot of drive.
Business/people experience
Serial entrepreneur since 1988. Founder and CEO of listed or privately owned companies in areas like financial advisory, asset management, online wine sales, and SaaS for the wine and hospitality industry. Founded Get In Balance AB and Free Life Plan AB in 2024. Extensive experience in leadership, management, business development and sales, but most of all people.
Navigated through both great and challenging market conditions and learnt from both success and failures. Deep understanding about the different positions of the stakeholders in both startups and listed companies.
Personal life experience
Lived an abundant life without a dull moment, mostly filled with love and great experiences but also some bad events. Has lost a wife in cancer, raised two of his children alone. Been rich and poor.
Cancer survivor, divorced, has had exhaustion syndrome, have ADD. Has used his life experiences to create strategies for himself, his family, friends and others.
Nicolay M. Zederlinn, Ayurveda Expert & Partner
Happy, aware Danish man with a daughter and Cutie; a nice, food-loving golden retriever mix.
Business/people experience
His profound understanding and experience in ayurveda, meditation, and astrology stem from his many years of study and cohabitation with some of India’s most revered gurus.
With a remarkable 30-year practice, Nicolay is a seasoned Ayurvedic therapist and counsellor with extensive experience. Furthermore, Nicolay is a respected author, having penned numerous books on ayurveda, vegetarian cooking, and Vedic Astrology.
For four years he owned and was the manager of the ayurvedic Restaurant Flow in Copenhagen.
Personal life experience
Through the transformative power of meditation, mental work, and other spiritual techniques, Nicolay has triumphed over depression and illness.

Our Mission:
To close the widening gap between people with mental, emotional, physical or relationship problems and healthcare/wellness providers via the Free Life Program & Movement.
Our Vision:
Reaching millions
Achieving an exponential growth in people living a free, healthy and happy life via the Free Life Movement, supported by grateful and generous clients, partners, donors, sponsors, and a network of healthcare/wellness providers.
Helping humanity and our planet
With clearer minds, more individuals can make informed decisions, leading to a positive shift away from the current negative trends affecting humanity and our planet.